Starting time: 9h00
In the Veneto Region we still have something like 3000 villas spread all over our territory, some are very precious masterpieces of art, other very simple elegant farms, along the Brenta Canal, not far from Venice there is the highest concentration of all, with around 60 residences all along this beautiful water way.
The two villas selected for you are Villa Pisani Nazionale and villa Foscari Malcontenta
This tour begin at the Cruise Terminal, we will leave in a comfortable private minivan and travel around 45 minutes along the Brenta Canal, passing by countless villas left as memories of a glorious a luxury past, when all Venetian noble families where supposed to have a holiday house in this area, like a status symbol of power and richness.
Traveling through small towns and narrow agricultural villages we reach the first residence: Villa Pisani Nazionale, today a national museum. This villa as big as a castle with its 144 rooms and its huge garden (10 hectares), at a fist glance looks like a huge royal palace, it was built in the XVIII century as summer residence for a Doge, the highest Venetian authority during the “Serenissima” Republic.
A short coffee break an than on the the way direction Malcontenta, 20 minutes away, where form the river side villa Villa Foscari wlcome you as ancient temple in the field. Villa Foscari, since 1996 in the UNESCO World Heritage list, is one of the most significant buildings in Palladio’s rich production. The external building is a prototype of Palladian classical architecture, with an imposing loggia and a triangular gable, while inside a precious renaissance frescoes decoration create an unexpected effect. Perfect harmony between architecture, paintings and natural environment, ideal integration between human rationality and natural beauty.
Back to Venice Cruise Terminal (around 20 minutes).
Cruise Terminal in Venice
This tour can be booked everyday in the week except on Monday.
The tour will not take place in case one or both villas where close for some special events.
Starting time and duration can be easily adapted to your special requests.